
Underwear Survey Results

We recently put a survey out asking men and women a few questions to give us a better idea of how to present ourselves and our undies.

Without further ado, here are the key take-aways from our Deep Underwear Thoughts Survey!

We see the trend in our social media channels. Our customers aren't interested in traditional underwear marketing. But to see only 12% of respondents prefer to see good looking models was a bit surprising, but also very encouraging and inspiring!

As a result of this, we are going to be trying a lot harder to get different body types on our shop and social media feeds. We might need your help, though. People with different body types willing to model underwear are hard to get pics of. Send us an email if you have any ideas!

We admit to being relieved to see 'relaxing after a marathon' dead last on this list. We have found our people 😀

We love how many respondents would rather play Dungeons and Dragons instead of running a marathon!

Because of this, we're introducing Dungeons and Dragons adventure map underwear in our next Kickstarter!

This is a question that saddens us no matter how it was answered.

As computer nerds, it pains us knowing how desensitized we all are to companies tracking us. As business owners, it's even sadder seeing a quarter of respondents less likely to buy from us because they don't trust the internet.

We are very mindful of your privacy and are fully GDPR compliant (probably).

This means we don't store your payment info, we encrypt everything using the latest industry standards, and you may request that we permanently delete any of your data from our system.

Seriously, if you want to delete your order history, contact us and we'll make you disappear... from our underwear system.

This one is a hard one for us to gauge. We don't want to do another "buy one, give one" thing. A recent study of Tom's Shoes revealed that their program to send a pair of shoes to developing countries for every pair sold actually doesn't help.

We will definitely stick to being as eco-friendly as possible. Our long term goal is do everything from grow the seed to make the undies in Canada, but we're not there yet!


What do you think about the survey results? Email us or message us on Facebook or Instagram and let us know!

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